'Spasms' Series - All Liturgies



YISUN on the conquering king:

A conquering king must come with violence in his self of selves. He must splay the guts of his enemy with no weapon but his hearstrings. His lips must spit sweet music that pulverizes his enemies, and his eyes must tell a brain-cleaving tale of loveliness. He must quench the sword of his tongue in the love of his enemies.

Spasms 31:12

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/ksbd-1-5/

“YISUN was questioned once by their disciples at their speaking house. The questions were the following:

‘What is the ultimate reason for existence?’

To which YISUN replied, ‘Self-deception.’

‘How can a man live in perfect harmony?’

To which YISUN replied, ‘Non-existence.’

‘What is the ultimate result of all action?’

To which YISUN replied, ‘Futility.’

‘How best can we serve your will?’

To which YISUN replied, ‘Kindly ignore my first three answers.’ ”

-Spasm 8

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/ksbd-4-70/

And YISUN came forth from the plum garden and spoke a Word called Royalty, and that word had seven parts, and each part shone equally with the brilliance of Law and the ripeness of Chaos, and the heat was unbearable to all those that were there. No man could stand before it, and no god either, and all the beasts of sky, sea, and star, and all the crawling things of the earth, and all the hungering potentates; all the argent saints and hell-forged heroes were bent to the dust by it’s enormous blast. For the Heat of the Word was the Heat of YISUN’s Voice, and it was fed by the Flame Immortal.


Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/won-3-54/

The Gods showed the first human to YISUN, bringing her in a walnut shell because she was so delicate. They could not believe how small and frail she was. Though she slept quite peacefully, at every breath they quailed and wrung their hands, fearing that she would fall apart at any moment. They crept carefully and cautiously into YISUN’s speaking hall, cradling her and whispering in hushed tones as they gently presented her upon a cushion before the Lord of Songs.

YISUN took one look at her and said, “This is the most dangerous being in existence.”


Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/kos-9-116/

“Once, there was an angel with a flaming spear that guarded the western gate of YISUN’s speaking house. He was rigorous, martial, and followed the exact letter of the Old Law that had been inlaid into his very being with Koss’ silver chisel. At the time, most angels were like him, and they were exceptionally inflexible beings. They could not rebel, so well they had been hewn, against the slightest violation of their code. This made them all extremely cruel.

One day, Prim passed by on the road, and happened upon this angel flogging a group of men of the oldest nation with a lash made of lightning. The men had refused to take their shoes off inside of YISUN’s speaking house – they had journeyed far and did not know the law of the gods. For this minor offense they were being punished rather severely, and their cries were loud and fierce.

Cleverly, Prim took her jeweled comb from her pocket, which she no longer used, since she had long ago hewn off most of her beautiful hair, and bade the angel guard it with his life. Being a lesser being with no practical free will to speak of, the angel could do naught but comply.

Turning back to his prisoners, the angel made to flog them again, but found that the comb was so delicate that every violent motion he made sent it tumbling and ringing and threatened to shatter it. He could no longer continue his violent, oppressive work without fear of harming his duty to the daughter of Hansa, to protect this small and delicate thing.

He gave up flogging the men, and for the first time ever, began to think.”


Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/king-of-swords-9-121/

YISUN said,  “Listen, here are three types of looking. Three men make a pilgrimage but despite their best efforts, lose the path. The desert is hot, and the men will soon be dead. They have run out of water.

The first man doesn’t know he has run out of water, nor does he bother to check. He blithely continues onwards until he is shocked to find his own death coming up from the sand to meet him.

The second man checks his canteen and sees immediately he is out of water. He gives up and curls up in a ball, and dies quite piteously, obsessing over his failures. A miserable man.”

Hansa said, “An ominous riddle.”

“The third man,” YISUN said, “checks his canteen, and finds he will soon be a dead man. Yet he is resolute, and presses onwards anyway, looking for his destination.”

“Does he find it?” asked Hansa.

“No,” said YISUN, “Quite plainly. His death finds him at the appointed time. Yet he presses on anyway, until the moment his corpse hits the dust.”

“What an idiot,” said Hansa.

“Absolutely,” said YISUN.

“What a magnificent idiot,” added Hansa.

“Hansa is observant,” said YISUN.

– Spasms

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/breaker-of-infinities-1-19/


YISUN held audience one in their fifth anti-spiral clockwise palace. White faced Pravi, who was a wise disciple, said:

“Lord, bestow upon us the armor that will resist ending. The days grow short and the nights cold. The quavering strands of our life grow thin and worn in these final days since we have come to know death. I bid thee Lord make us to know a companion of this feeling.”

And YISUN smiled in the fifth way and said in reply:

“As the stone is in the fruit, your death is already in you. There is no armor that will resist the contents of your own heart. You were cut down the moment you existed.”


Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/wheel-smashing-lord-1-23-to-1-24/

The song of loving – the song of strength. The heart-armor, blood red, that withstands all obstacles.

Set this in your center like pillar of star-iron – You exist.

Oh lover mine, oh enemy mine, you will stand erect forever. Nothing will blow you over.

Relish in your self-same violence. You exist. That should be enough.


Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/wheel-smashing-lord-3-70-to-3-71/

“YISUN once said this:

Never step in your own footprint. This is the most grievous sin I can imagine.”


Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/wheel-smashing-lord-3-79/