“Know this! The great dragon paid three hundredweight in silver to rid himself of earthly ties.
But a burden a hundred times that did he cast off in blood.
Ia! Such is wisdom!:
-Dogma of the Priests of the Count
“Know this! The great dragon paid three hundredweight in silver to rid himself of earthly ties.
But a burden a hundred times that did he cast off in blood.
Ia! Such is wisdom!:
-Dogma of the Priests of the Count
“Uphold the Dragon!
Recite the Count!
Excise the Weakness from flesh!”
-Tenets of the Priests of the Count
“IA! IA! Behold the dragon!
His claws are the scything blade and all is chaff!”
– Lament of the Priests of the Count
“IA! IA! The Dragon!
His scales as as hard as his heart.
Pity him!”
– Lament of the Priests of the Count
“IA! IA!
Sharpen your chain-blades!
Pity the Dragon and Venerate the Count!”
– War Cry of the Priests of the Count
IA! The Reverend Mother! The Watchful Mother! She that sleeps not, and holds the key and the gate. Through a lake of blood she has ascended above the filth. Through a lake of blood she shall yet wade, and yet she shall not be stained. Praise her, and venerate the Count!
‘O Cleaver of Heretics, come forth,
Let the fetters be upon the blasphemer,
Let the lion tear at his breast;
I will lay fire upon him and punish him with the fury of the Lord God;
Carnivorous dogs will feed upon his entrails;
His shade will not sink to the land of dust,
It shall be torn into pieces by the fiends that dwell by the foot of the Flaying Tree;
Spawn of the beast god, Foul Emission;
The scourge of Akaroth will be upon his flesh’
– Incantation of the Judicator Axe
Pity the covetous, for their wealth will turn to dust;
Pity the unrighteous, for their words will not be heard;
Pity the wicked, for their deeds will turn into daggers and plunge into their own chests;
They shall be bound with fetters and crushed under the great stones of their own evil.
Pity the Dragon and Venerate the Count! IA!