'Goblins' Series - All Liturgies



“The necessity of communication across vast swathes of multidimensional space has gouged a deep and persistent need for the consumption of devil flesh. As useful as it is, the whole hideous process is prohibitively messy. Why, myself once spent a week passing a small blue devil and afterwards was only able to speak Goblin for my time spent straining and sweating in my bunk. It is far wiser to do away with the whole process and hire a Tellan or guilder, and save yourself the potential disfigurement.”

-Preem Payapop Pritram, foreword to Seat of the Gods

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/ksbd-5-81/



(If ever ye doubt the hunger of man, look ye to the time when ZOSS wrestled with giants of stone and fire)

-Goblin Inscription

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/wielder-of-names-1-4/

“The Idiot: unshod and ungirded, he grasped at power, and found himself burned.”

-Goblin Proverb

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/seeker-of-thrones-26/

“What’s made of stone, filled with smoke, and bleeds fire?

The best answer to that question is not to find out.”

Uyyid, Goblin Slum Lord

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/seeker-of-thrones-7-80/

“”Don’t measure the tiger before you shoot him.”

-Goblin Saying

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/breaker-of-infinities-1-32/

“The temple of YS-HET, the god of thresholds, is open to visitors at all hours of the day, and though any are allowed to linger, they may not stay for a period longer than a night and a day over a period of a quarter turn of the Wheel, as mandated by the Old Law. This is to make sure the temple is clear and functioning well for the constant flow of pilgrims and the needy, and does not become overwhelmed in its services.

The temple sits close to the West Dragon Gate at the lowest ring of throne (in Ashton), and is a point of entry for many coming to Throne for the first time. In old times it was guarded by seven angelic Root Knights of an esoteric order although now five of their number lay dormant and reincarnating. The priests of the temple chiefly concern themselves with keeping the temple clean and orderly, and offering succor to travelers. Central among these duties is the giving of temple alms to pilgrims, including the famous Six Color temple stew, a perpetual stew based on the six flavor elements of traditional Goblin cooking that is kept fed from a mother pot in the central sanctum and is said to have many health benefits.

Having tried the Six Color stew myself it was, disappointingly, only one color, although its fortifying effects on my constitution were hard to dispute as it kept me awake for hours.”

-Payapop Pritram

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/wheel-smashing-lord-3-60-to-3-61-temple-of-ys-het/

“That’s the thing about trash. Ya compact it enough, it’s gonna grow into a rock solid brick, and that bricks’ gonna get set on fire and thrown through your shrakking window.”

-Yngi, Goblin Underboss

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/wheel-smashing-lord-4-126/