'Enyis and the Boar King' Series - All Liturgies



“There! – A star, in the depths,” said Enyis to the Boar King.

“The journey is dark and perilous,” said the Boar King, “And we have no vessel with which to hold it, neither of clay nor iron.”

“I will swallow it,” said Enyis, “And even should my body be consumed by flame, it will at least light our way to the surface.”

– The Song of Maybe

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/seeker-of-thrones/

“Listen Enyis, and listen well. For though her breast be scaled about with thickest iron, the fastest way to a monster’s heart is through a mirror.”

– The blind antiquarian ( Enyis and the Boar King, Act 2, scene 3)

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/seeker-of-thrones-2-11/

“And there a bloody compact was made, to seek treasure in the deep and hollow places of the world. And the blood was mixed and thrown on the fire. Iron was grasped, and sweat was wiped from many a brow, for the road ahead was long, and descended far beyond the grasp and ken of happy men.”

– Enyis and the Boar King

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/seeker-of-thrones-2-12/

“The deeps are treacherous,” said Enyis. “It’s cold, and my ribs hurt. I fear my poor heart will give out before long. How on earth can I protect it, if not by steel?”

“You can’t,” said the Boar King, “A hero must always wear his heart on the outside.”

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/seeker-of-thrones-2-13/

“Enyis kept with him in his descent a totem – a gleaming trinket of sorts. This served two excellent purposes: first, when the deeps began to tear at Enyis, he would rub it with the pads of his fingers, and it had a wondrous soothing effect.

Second, should Enyis die, the glimmer of the trinket would make finding his body quite easy.”

-Enyis and the Boar King

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/seeker-of-thrones-2-16/

‘The plain man dressed only in coarse cloth, and his feet were bare, but this was simply a clever disguise, for his unassuming exterior, and even his very flesh, were mere wrappings for the awful and terrible flame inside of him. Enyis could see it poking through his eyes and mouth.

“Enyis,” said the King of the Pit, “Take this flame and with it you will ascend to the surface world once more. Love and light will be yours once again, and you will know the embrace of your family.”

Enyis almost accepted, but as the king held the flame in outstretched hand, Enyis felt its sickening heat, and knew instantaneously that if he took that flame, it would become him. It would never stop burning him until all that was left would be a hunger for more fuel. And he knew it was a clever trick by the King, who could never truly leave the pit, to get him to take that flame to the surface world, where it would burn forever.

It is said Enyis never saw the sun again, and wandered the deep for the rest of his life. But for the alternative, it was a far better fate.”

-Enyis and the Boar King

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/seeker-of-thrones-4-28-king-of-the-pit/

No matter how far down they traveled, no matter how perilous the drop or yawning the pit, Enyis never found an end to the Deep.

“The Deep is very treacherous indeed,” said Enyis once, as they camped on the edge of a howling abyss.

“The Deep has one purpose,” replied the Boar King, “And that is to swallow men whole, or else make monsters out of them.”

– Enyis and the Boar King

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/seeker-of-thrones-7-77/

“Enyis reached the city of Golden Flowing Water, which was at the time the most brutal domain in the world. For spitting in public there, one could lose a finger. It was a thirsty, conquering city that took many slaves, enjoyed the whip, and worshiped the sword.

Enyis was surprised to find the streets sparkling clean and orderly. The buildings were well constructed, airy, and it was scattered with well tended gardens redolent with many colorful flowers.

‘They must enrapture you with splendor,’ said the Boar King, who had noticed Enyis’ confusion. ‘Otherwise, you might look down and notice the blood-matted beast who shoulders this city, and your mind will fill with unpleasant truths.'”

– Enyis and the Fivefold Sword

Source: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/king-of-swords-10-144/